The most dangerous criminals are put into a coma and kept chained up in People Jars on the lowest level, where no light or sound can reach them. Mukuro and the Kokuyo gang are the only people to have ever escaped from it, though they got sent back later.
#Katekyo hitman reborn tv tropes series#
A Child Shall Lead Them: Tsuna who is thirteen when the series first starts, and Uni who is even younger.There's also Chrome's parents, who treated her like she didn't exist and then abandoned her to die after a car accident.

She belittles her son when he needs her most (since he had no self-esteem), but treats him nice once he is no longer a loser? Which actually makes her an even WORSE mother.She becomes much more sweet and supportive once Tsuna stops being such a loser. His mom only really belittles him in the early chapters.His father is a Disappeared Dad who, without asking him about his opinion, decides to force him to become a Mafia crimelord that will be targeted by countless assassins. His mother, although she loves him, constantly belittles him and cares little about doing anything about his future. Abusive Parents: Honestly, both of Tsuna's parents can't really count as being very good parents.The Liquidation Committee of Shimon Middle School could qualify as well, since they're practically an expy of the Disciplinary Committee.Absurdly Powerful Student Council: Namimori Junior High's Disciplinary Committee controls the school and the whole town through violence.A Boy and His X: A Boy and His Scheming One-Year-Old Assassin Tutor.The whole chapter pretty much consists of Tsuna and all of his Bishonen guardians / male friends coming by, being horrified by how ugly these women are, and then trying to run away from them as the women aggressively pursue them.Tropes used in Katekyo Hitman Reborn include: So the three girls he invited were absolutely hideous (one of them even being Reborn in an ugly drag). Of course, Longchamp's idea of a "cute" girl has always been. Then there's the "Bowling" chapter, where Longchamp invites Tsuna and Gokudera to go on a three person blind date.Cue person running out of it while on fire. Chapter 366: Byakuran's attempt at searching for Mukuro involves blowing up a random car.Mukuro and Fran wearing fruit on their heads.Chapter 364: "My hair is not a fruit, damnit!!!".Chapter 362: Skull telling Adelheid "So now let me stuff my face in your tits too!" after seeing her give Enma a Marshmallow Hell.Aoba: He didn't even waver under Adelheid's wonderful panty attack!.Chapter 358: Skull calling Reborn a "sideburns midget".Anytime Dino, Tsuna, or Enma have a clumsy moment.Hibari: "Those eyebrows are against school rules.Also, Squalo does this when Yamamoto is 'fooling around' with his puppy. Gokudera face palming when he found himself yet again, doing the "VONGOLA! FIGHT!" circle.A funny Narm moment: After Tsuna epicly punches Daemon several yards underground, the next panel is simply "YOU BASTARD!" coming from the hole created.Anytime Gokudera looks at his sister and gets a stomachache.Gokudera's nickname for Lambo being "Stupid cow".
#Katekyo hitman reborn tv tropes plus#