4e radiant one epic destiny
4e radiant one epic destiny

Half-orcs were also commonly warlocks, in part because the powers that choose to give patronage to warlocks did not discriminate between them and other, more "purebred", races.

4e radiant one epic destiny

Humans, thanks in large part to their capacity for ambition, also bred many warlocks, hoping to find a path to power that did not take them a significant portion of their short lifespans. Tieflings and others of fiendish blood were powerfully drawn to the ways of the warlock and were among the most common to take the path.

4e radiant one epic destiny

Other warlocks felt no ties to the gods, perhaps due to their frequent dealings with other supernatural powers. Some warlocks sought out good gods deliberately to counter the powerful temptations they dealt with regularly. Regardless of how they treated their patrons, most warlocks had a healthy respect for the divine, particularly patrons of magical power such as Corellon or Selûne, though many evil warlocks were drawn to Asmodeus and Cyric as well. More often, warlocks, by choice or by circumstance, became much like the cruel and capricious beings they served. These forces beheld warlocks to their power, though some broke away from the chains of their servitude to forge their own destiny. Those that weren't were still often touched by destiny in some special way, sought out by powerful extraplanar forces as tools and minions, altering their souls and giving them supernatural abilities beyond the ken of most mortals. Like sorcerers, many warlocks came from a supernatural bloodline, and it had been said that warlocks were "born, not made." This was not true for all warlocks, though many did indeed come from fiendish bloodlines. Likewise, many warlocks made pacts with several creatures, rather than just one, in order to access even more power, though all warlocks eventually favored one pact over all the others. How far the warlock went to fulfilling their pact was entirely up to them, though corruption was an ever-present danger for warlocks of all stripes. However, not all warlocks were evil by nature and may have used such deadly gifts for more benign purposes. Warlocks had an overall poor reputation, a result of their dealings with otherworldly and often malevolent outsiders.

4e radiant one epic destiny